Cistercian Fraternity of Gdansk

Our Fraternity is a Christian community of lay people who want to form their life according to the Cistercian charism. Our every day life is shaped by daily prayer and lectio divina that help us in searching and fulfilling God’s will. We attempt to follow the spirit of the Rule of Saint Benedict.

Each year we organise four Saturday-Sunday meetings and one three-day retreat. These meetings are occasions for us for taking part in the Holy Mass together, for common prayer, readings and making conferences. We find this way good and fruitful so we thank God through our Lady Mary for the grace of the Cistercian charism.


Abbaye Notre Dame d’Aiguebelle (OCSO-Monks)
F-26230 Montjoyer
Fr. Mikael Ziolo


Lay Leader
Dariusz Dabrowski
Stolema 64/8
80-177 Gdansk